Stakeholders Engagement

VSO follows the five major principles of stakeholder engagement standards (dependence, responsibility, attention, influence, diverse perspectives) to identify stakeholders and gather/review the key issues that are concerned. These stakeholders include government/regulatory authorities, shareholders/investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. To ensure the implementation and achievement of significant issues, VSO periodically conducts discussions on economic, social, and environmental issues, assesses the progress of various departments toward their goals, formulate future directions, and consolidate relevant outcome data.

Stakeholders Importance to VSO Communication Channel Communication Frequency Related Issues 2023 Achievements of communication
Government / Regulatory / Media We strictly adhere to government laws and regulations. Cooperate with national policies to plan our corporate sustainability strategies with foresight. Print media and electronic media interviews Irregular
  • Corporate Governance and Operations
  • Corporate Image
  • Integrity and Legal Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Communication with Regulatory Authorities
  • Innovative Development and Applications
  • Labor Relations and Friendly Workplace
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • 1. Publish one revenue announcement each month on the Market Observation Post System.
  • 2. One electronic media interview.
  • 3. Following the FSC's "Sustainable Development Action Plan for Listed Companies (2023)," starting in 2024, it is planned to issue an annual sustainability report to enhance ESG information disclosure.
Holding operational performance presentations, media interviews, and issuing press releases. Irregular
Dedicated personnel responsible for media liaison. Regularly established.
Revenue information disclosure. Every month
Regular updates on the company website and the Market Observation Post System. Monthly, Quarterly, Annually
Participation in relevant activities or consultation meetings with government agencies. Irregular
Shareholders / Investors Capital investment is the trust and support of shareholders/investors for VSO, enabling us to continue innovating and progressing in business sustainability operations. Investors Section on the company website Regularly established.
  • Corporate Governance and Operations
  • Integrity and Legal Compliance
  • Risk Forecasting and Crisis Management
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Energy Management
  • Information Security
  • 1. Respond to investors about the company's current operations and future development through regular and ad-hoc meetings.
  • 2. The company's annual report, quarterly financial reports, and monthly revenue information are promptly uploaded to the company's investor relations webpage.
  • 3. Hold an annual general meeting of shareholders every year.
  • 4. Obtain the SGS ISO14064-1 greenhouse gas verification statement.
  • 5. Complete a survey of greenhouse gas emissions from suppliers.
  • 6. Complete a self-assessment of greenhouse gas emissions for the first half of the year.
phone and email on the company website Regularly established.
Company website publishes various company news Irregularly
Market Observation Post System Updated regularly as required
Annual General Meeting/Extraordinary General Meeting Annually/as needed
Investor Conference Irregularly
Employees Employees are the most important assets and the top stakeholders of VSO.
We are committed to creating a people-centric work environment that respects and values our employees.
Employee Welfare Committee / Overseas Labor Union Regularly established.
  • Labor Relations and Friendly Workplace
  • Human Rights
  • Talent Attraction and Retention
  • Information Security and Personal Data Protection
  • Corporate Governance and Operations
  • Talent Development and Training
  • Occupational Safety and Employee Welfare
  • Employee Assessment Mechanism
  • Labor Relations
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Talent Development
  • 1. Regularly hold courses such as management training by specialization and level, occupational safety and health education training, and fire drills. In 2023, the Taiwan headquarters held these courses twice a year in cooperation with the industrial park where it is located.
  • 2. The Taiwan headquarters held a total of 4 labor-management meetings.
  • 3. A total of 5 labor union meetings were held in overseas plants (China, Vietnam).
  • 4. In 2023, the Taiwan headquarters conducted health checks for a total of 56 employees.
  • 5. The budget execution rate for employee welfare activities was 98%.
  • 6. An employee grievance mailbox was provided for employees to file complaints; there were no complaints in 2023.
  • 7. A suggestion box was set up; there was no feedback in 2023.
  • 8. LINE and WeChat groups were established to handle various real-time situations.
Labor-Management Meetings Quarterly
Business Unit Communication Meetings Monthly
Hotline and Employee Grievance Mailbox Regularly established.
Communication Meetings and Internal Emails Regularly established.
Employee Intranet and Social Media Sites Regularly established.
Customers Customer satisfaction with our products and services is the key to our sustainable operation. Customer Satisfaction Investigation Annually
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Green Design and Product Sustainability Responsibility
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Product Quality and Safety
  • Information Security and Personal Data Protection
  • 1. Arrange mutual visits between senior executives of both parties to strengthen partnerships and create a win-win situation.
  • 2. Conduct an annual satisfaction survey of the Group's key customers, with an average satisfaction rating of 88 or above.
  • 3. The company website and ESG section went live in November, with future periodic releases of the latest information to communicate the company's sustainability performance to stakeholders.
  • 4. Create a company page on the LinkedIn social media platform, actively engage in posting and interaction, and continue to achieve two-way interaction and communication through social platforms and digital content to enhance communication with stakeholders.
  • 5. The ESG section of the company website provides a dedicated phone line and feedback email address, aiming to incorporate feedback on sustainability issues into annual major stakeholder topics or reference for sustainability project work through consultations.
Business Review Meetings Monthly
Meetings on Specific Topics >Irregularly
On-site Visits Irregularly
Supplier Audits Conducted by Customers on Our Company Irregularly
Sales Department/ Mr. Chien
Suppliers Suppliers are one of VSO’s operational partners. We value long-term partnerships, prioritize transparent communication, collaborate closely, trust each other, and work together to achieve sustainable mutual growth. Supplier Evaluation Audit Irregularly
  • Information Security
  • Green Design and Product Sustainability Responsibility
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Product Quality and Safety
  • Raw Material Management
  • Integrity and Legal Compliance
  • 1. Conducted carbon emission surveys for 453 suppliers, with responses from 189 suppliers.
  • 2. Held two sessions of Supplier Carbon Inventory Explanation Meetings.
  • 3. Completed coaching for carbon inventory for a total of 32 suppliers in two phases.
  • 4. Planned to conduct audits for 28 eligible existing suppliers, and completed audits for 28.
  • 5. Starting in 2024, the company plans to issue an annual sustainability report to fully disclose and explain supply chain sustainability issues, allowing stakeholders to fully understand the company's ESG information.
Project meetings Irregularly
Supplier ESG Advocacy and Assessment Evaluation Annually
Integrity and Ethics Reporting Hotline and Email
Regularly established